Azure Solutions Architect Salary in Hungary

Updated on Feb 28, 2025


As of 2025, the average salary for Azure Solutions Architect in Hungary starts from 2.5M Ft per year and goes up to 10M Ft per year.

1-3 years

2.5M Ft-3.5M Ft per annum

4-7 years

3.8M Ft-5M Ft per annum

8-11 years

5.2M Ft-7M Ft per annum

12+ years

7.5M Ft-10M Ft per annum

Azure Solutions Architect Salary Trend in Hungary

Azure Solutions Architect Salaries in Other Locations

Saint Lucia
$40k - $150k
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
£60k - £150k
TZS 20k - TZS 100k
Saudi Arabia
60k SAR - 250k SAR
$80k - $250k
Sao Tome and Principe
STD 18k - STD 80k
6M - 30M
€22k - €120k
SRD24k - SRD80k
90k zł - 250k zł


About Azure Solutions Architect

An Azure Solutions Architect is responsible for designing and implementing solutions on the Azure platform. They work with clients to understand their needs and goals, and then create tailored solutions using Azure services such as virtual machines, databases, and networking. They also provide guidance on best practices, security, and scalability for Azure deployments.

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About Hungary

Hungary is a landlocked country located in Central Europe. It is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and beautiful landscapes.

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