Azure Solutions Architect Salary in Timor-Leste

Updated on Feb 28, 2025


As of 2025, the average salary for Azure Solutions Architect in Timor-Leste starts from $6k per year and goes up to $38k per year.

1-3 years

$6k-$12k per annum

3-6 years

$12k-$18k per annum

6+ years

$18k-$25k per annum

8+ years

$25k-$38k per annum

Azure Solutions Architect Salary Trend in Timor-Leste

Azure Solutions Architect Salaries in Other Locations

$20k - $200k
Christmas Island
$90k - $250k
€40k - €150k
Congo (Brazzaville)
FCFA 12k - FCFA 45k
40k BYN - 150k BYN
€20k - €150k
ISK800k - ISK3.5M
Congo (Kinshasa)
$18k - $80k
N$1.2M - N$5M
$60k - $200k


About Azure Solutions Architect

An Azure Solutions Architect is responsible for designing and implementing solutions on the Azure platform. They work with clients to understand their needs and goals, and then create tailored solutions using Azure services such as virtual machines, databases, and networking. They also provide guidance on best practices, security, and scalability for Azure deployments.

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About Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste, also known as East Timor, is a Southeast Asian nation occupying half the island of Timor, with Indonesia nearby. It's known for its beaches and biodiverse reefs, and landmarks such as the 18th-century Portuguese tropical palace. In the rugged interior, is Lake Malo, near the capital, Dili.

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