Sexologist Salary in Samoa

Updated on Aug 28, 2024


As of 2024, the average salary for Sexologist in Samoa starts from WST20k per year and goes up to WST150k per year.

1-3 years

WST20k-WST35k per annum

3-7 years

WST35k-WST60k per annum

7-10 years

WST60k-WST100k per annum

10+ years

WST100k-WST150k per annum

Salary vs Experience Graph

About Sexologist

A sexologist is a professional who studies human sexuality and provides education, counseling, and therapy on sexual issues. They may work in various settings such as clinics, hospitals, universities, or private practice to help individuals and couples with their sexual concerns. Sexologists may also conduct research in the field of human sexuality to contribute to our understanding of sexual behavior and relationships.

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About Samoa

Samoa is an island country consisting of two main islands, Upolu and Savai'i, as well as several smaller islands. It is located in the South Pacific Ocean and known for its pristine beaches, lush rainforests, and rich Polynesian culture. The population of Samoa is around 200,000 people, and the weather is tropical, with a wet season from November to April and a dry season from May to October. Popular cuisines in Samoa include taro, coconut, seafood, and tropical fruits. The traditional Samoan way of life, or fa'a Samoa, is deeply ingrained in the culture and is characterized by communal living, respect for elders, and a strong emphasis on family and community.

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$80k - $250k
BYN20k - BYN120k
$40k - $150k
R$2.5k - R$20k
NA - $200k
Ft850k - Ft3.5M
Bs. 13k - Bs. 80k
M8k - M35k
€30k - €200k